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Piece of cake (식은 죽 먹기)

by [Dragon]태리 2010. 5. 12.
A: I got awakened out of a nap by someone rapping on my door.
: Was it a salesman? They’re just trying to make a living, you know.
A: No, this guy had a survey. *** 설문지 작성해 줬어. 그 정도야 식은 죽 먹기지.***
B: You’re in for it, now. Once they know you play along, they keep coming.
해석 A: 어제 자고 있는데 누가 문 두드리는 소리에 깼어.
B: 외판원이었나? 그 사람들도 먹고 살려고 그러는 거지.
A: 아니야. 조사원이었어. I filled it out; piece of cake.
B: 너 이제 딱 걸렸다. 네가 조사에 응해주는 거 알면 계속 올 거야.

[Additional Expressions]

*I got awakened out of a nap – I awoke from sleeping / I was roused out of a nap
*rapping on my door – knocking on my door / beating at the front door of my apartment
*a salesman – someone selling something / a door-to-door salesperson
*trying to – making an effort to / doing their best to
*make a living – earn money / bring home the bacon / support their families
*you know – as I’m sure you are aware / as you well know
*had a survey – asked me to fill in a survey / wanted me to do his survey
*I filled it out – I did it / I answered the questions / I helped him out
*piece of cake – easy / nothing to it / no trouble at all
*You’re in for it, now. – Now you’re in trouble. / Now you’re going to get it.
*play along – do as they want / listen to them / do what they ask
*they keep coming0 – they never stop / they start coming around all the time

출처: YBMSisa