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생활의 활력소를 얻어(I get a charge out of that)

by [Dragon]태리 2010. 5. 4.

의역하면 뜻이 이렇다고 하는데 원어민 강사의 해설을 들어보니 Make me exciting 이란다.
뭔가 나를 UP 시켜줄 때 쓰는 말인거 같다. 나를 업시켜주는건 뭐가 있나?

Hmm. I get a charge out of singing in the karaoke room with drinking.

당신의 배터리를 충전시켜주는것은 무엇인가요?

제목 : 생활의 활력소를 얻어.
A: I have one safe haven in life. It’s my beloved kitchen.
B: I’m the same way. It all runs like clockwork for me and I like it.
A: Me, too. I love being creative with recipes. I mostly cook fusion dishes.
B: I get a charge out of that, too. It’s fun to mix things up a bit.
해석 A: 내 삶의 안식처가 있어. 내가 사랑하는 부엌이지.
B: 나도 그래. 부엌일은 시계처럼 돌아가서 좋아.
A: 나도. 레시피를 이것저것 시도해보는 게 너무 좋아. 난 주로 퓨전요리를 해.
B: 나 역시 퓨전요리에서 생활의 활력소를 얻어. 이것저것 섞는 게 재미있지.

[Additional Expressions]

*one – a singular / a solitary / a sole
*safe haven in life – private sanctuary / place I can call my own
*beloved – dearly loved / much-loved / darling / wonderful
*I’m the same way. – I’m that way, too. / That’s how I am, too. / I’m also like that.
*runs like clockwork – works perfectly / goes just as I want / does what I want it to do
*I like it – that’s good enough for me / that suits my purposes
*being creative with recipes – creating new recipes / making up new cooking ideas
*fusion dishes – mixed recipe meals / original recipe dishes / combination dishes
*get a charge out of that – enjoy that / love doing that / have fun making those
*fun – interesting / intriguing / enjoyable / cool / entertaining
*mix things up a bit – do things somewhat differently / make some changes from the norm

출처: YBM 생활영어